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Report on the Session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’

A session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’ was conducted for the students of EYP1, EYP2 & EYP3, in the school auditorium on Tuesday, 23rd April 2024. The objective of conducting the session was to educate children about personal safety, boundaries and recognizing different types of physical contact.

The school counsellor, Ms. Harsimran, explained the concept of safe and unsafe touch. She showed an animated video and used child-friendly language to engage the students throughout the session.

The children were guided in identifying and naming their body parts accurately. This exercise aimed to empower children with the language to express themselves confidently.

Ms. Harsimran discussed the importance of personal boundaries and emphasized that every individual has the right to say ‘no’ to any touch that makes them uncomfortable. The children learnt to identify ‘no touch’ areas and to handle encounters with strangers and say ‘NO’ to unwanted touches by running away and shouting out loud. They were taught to inform trusted adults immediately about such incidents and to report if they were asked to keep these occurrences hidden from their parents. Additionally, they were encouraged to create their safe circles with the help of their parents.

Overall, it was a very interactive and interesting session where the children gave their responses to the questions that were asked. 

Report on the Session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’
Report on the Session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’
Report on the Session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’
Report on the Session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’
Report on the Session on ‘Safe/Unsafe Touch’